Monday, October 13, 2008

Celebrate the Holidays II

I apologize for slacking this week on posts, and I promise I will post swaps, pictures, and last weekends class projects later this week....last week ran away from me with all of the boys activities etc....right now, I wanted to post a preview of a couple of projects for Friday's upcoming Fall/Thanksgiving Celebrate the Holiday's Class. There will be three other projects that I will post after the class on Friday but be assured that they will also be GREAT and you will most likely see a few wild animals (hint....gobble gobble, hoot hoot)...

Until Later!


Cula said...

Awesome Megan! I love those cards! Do you mind if i case them?

Rhonda Langley said...

Great cards!! Thanks for the comments on my blog!! Love the leaves in DP! I am so jealous if everyone that bought the big shot but I am trying to stay on budget-must be strong!!!